
How to uninstall avast antivirus in pc
How to uninstall avast antivirus in pc

how to uninstall avast antivirus in pc

  • Open the Registry Editor and click on View, then select Find or press Ctrl + F.
  • After doing that, you need to open the Registry Editor by pressing Windows + R and then type R egedit.
  • I'm thinking that the answer/solution is an easy one, but only easy for those who know what they are doing.as I am notwat a complete loss on how to finish the job of deleting these leftovers. The other files, when right clicked, and Open Path is selected, I get that they can't be found? Those files with the this path: C:\Windows\WinSxS, when right clicking and selecting Delete, the Delete is still showing Administrtor icon even though I have verified that I am owner?

    how to uninstall avast antivirus in pc

    Here is a screen shot of the files that are not going away: I have verified that I am the owner of these folders and not TrustedInstaller.

    how to uninstall avast antivirus in pc

    I have been trying to delete Avast leftovers by taking ownership of the folders the troublesome files are in, but this doesn't seem to work. If so, how do revert the folders to their original, more secure state? So, do you suggest that restore the security to these folders?Ģ. It is my understanding that making the changes to gain permission, also reduces the folder's security. As I have made changes in this folders Security tab, I have two questions: In following the video for the win/sxs folder, I may have done something wrong as I couldn't delete the Avast items within this folder, and need to gain permissions again. It worked for several folders, but not for some others and this is now where I need some help. I have used this video ( How to Delete Files Protected by TrustedInstaller in Windows 10 - QUICK AND EASY! - YouTube) to show me how to gain permission to delete the Avast leftovers. A couple of hours later, I check the left overs, they still were there! With that, I simply deleted the files/folders in my OP. And then when I got tired of looking at the Avast Cleaner (that apparently was doing nothing,) I clicked its X and got the message that if it closed now it wouldn't finish deleting stuff. Computer restarted in Safe Mode, but nothing appeared to be happening when I clicked Uninstall. Actually, I just tried the Avast Clear on my noted left-overs. I used Avast Clear too when I removed it, I ran it in safe mode, it got rid of Avast well enough to turn Defender back on but I still had Avast junk files that I never knew existed until today.

    How to uninstall avast antivirus in pc